Weekly Reflect // #51

Hello everyone!

Looking back on it, what a fantastic week! After the sad news of Mia's passing last week, I definitely feel like she was looking down on me and helping me out. I'm still learning how to cope and I'm so grateful for the amazing support on here & on my social media that has helped me so much. Here's what I got up to!

Weekly Reflect #51 // Sunglasses & floral dress!

This week . . .

. . . started out with a lovely afternoon out in Hillsborough with my family! We had lunch in The Plough Inn which was incredible - I would 100% recommend it if you're local or visiting as my meal was absolutely delicious. Their salmon and quinoa was out of this world!

Instead of ordering a dessert, we chose to find a little corner shop that sold icecreams and my sister & I went for the raspberry sorbet. Again, it was on another level and the fact the weather was truly glorious made it all the better!

Weekly Reflect #51 // Salmon and quinoa at The Plough Inn, Hillsborough!
Tuesday was a chill day as I remember because I had to get some rest for going back to school the next day! It was just a little induction for getting our new timetables and for me, it was the day I met my new year group & tutor group seeing as I'm repeating my Upper 6th year. I can't lie, I was quite the bag of nerves going in but those were soon settled when I was greeted with the warmest welcome which honestly turned my day around completely! To put the cherry on the cake, I got chatting with a girl who recovered from the same illness I have & my form teacher also suffered from it for 8 years! Coincidence? I'm certainly amongst kind & understanding company which really sets my mind at ease.

We only had to be in school for an hour and a half in the morning so afterwards, my dad took my brother and I to Subway for a yummy lunch. I can thoroughly recommend the turkey & ham sub with sweet onion sauce! I will tell you a bit of a funny story; when I was getting ready that morning, I put on the school skirt I had mistakenly assumed would still fit me from the year before. Nope. It was touch and go whether I was gonna get the zip up but thankfully I did with much struggle! It was pretty tight but I managed the morning and the lunch before we popped into the uniform shop to get a new one. Mini crisis averted!

Weekly Reflect #51 // Mint choc chip icecream & raspberry sorbet!

That night my sister flew home to her uni accommodation and truthfully, I really miss her! Very truthfully - as I'm sure anyone with siblings will be able to relate - they do get on your nerves and it can be nice to have a break from them but I really do miss having her around the house again!

I feel so lucky that my health has been good this past week. I've been very sore but mercifully, my fatigue hasn't been hitting me as hard as it usually would. I really do think that all the happiness and smiles people have brought into my life this week have made all the difference!

I don't wanna alarm anyone but I do believe I had an epiphany this week. After years of not knowing what job I want to pursue, countless sighs & put downs from my careers teachers and many existential crises I think I've finally figured out what I want to do with my life. I'm gonna be very cheeky and not give it away here because I do think I'm gonna write a whole blog post on this - it's a pretty big deal and I know lots of people are in the same situation as I was/am!

Weekly Reflect #51 // White chocolate and raspberry scone & tea!

Saturday morning was yet another lovely part of the week - I did the weekly shop with my mum, auntie & granny! Spending that time with my family really meant so much, we had such a good wee catch up! My mum and I also took advantage of the fact Tesco have incredible stationery and picked up a few bits for back to school. We were in our element in there! Keep your eyes peeled for a back to school haul coming very soon!

P.S. The adorable floral/polka dot Weekly Organiser is from The Works and it's only £3. A handful of people have actually sent me messages saying I've enabled them to get it and I'm not even sorry one bit, it's the prettiest piece of stationery ever!

Weekly Reflect #51 // Floral/polka dot weekly organiser!

I also filmed my August Favourites yesterday hence the filming selfie!

Weekly Reflect #51 // August Favourites filming selfie!

So that's what I got up to this week! Get involved in the comments below and let me know what made you smile this week - let's have the ultimate catch up!

How was your week?

Thanks for reading,
