Back to School Stationery Haul!
Hello everyone!
It's September and that means back to school time! Naturally, I've been gathering a few stationery bits and bobs in preparation so I thought I'd share them with you today. It's one of my favourite things about going back!
I'm going into my final year of school (again; I'm repeating it - silly illness made me drop out in January last year) to complete my A Levels! My subjects are Media Studies, Art & French so what I need to bring with me is quite different to someone who's doing say Maths or Science. That said, one common theme for students is not having the biggest budget to blow so everything included here is very inexpensive. I had also hoped to show you my new school bag in this post but it's still on it's way in the post!
Here's what I got . . .
Expanding File // TESCO
These are my favourite things to carry around notes in - they keep pages protected and organised, plus I don't find them to be as weighty as ring binder/lever arch files. That is absolutely vital for me & my chronic fatigue/pain! They had other colours but of course I chose pink!
Pukka Pad File Blocks // TESCO
LOOK AT THEM. I didn't actually choose these myself, my parents surprised me with them and when they did I flipped out with excitement. Look how cool they are! They're fantastically bright - so bright my camera freaked out a bit - and the paper quality is great. I also like the way they have 250 commonly misspelt words on the inside cover, it's just a nice wee detail. I'm stocked up on file paper for a while now!
Weekly Organiser // THE WORKS
I included this little beauty in my August Favourites and I've been showing it to everyone who'll look - how adorable is it though? It's made up of various sticky notes so I'll be able to make to do lists, reminders and plan out my whole week with it. It also comes in different patterns but this is the one I liked best. It was only £3!
Record Cards // TESCO
These are absolutely brilliant for revision, I just know they're gonna help me out so much with learning French topics. It's also an extra bonus to me that they come in 4 different pastel colours - I love me some pastels!
Sharpie Highlighters & Bic 4 Colours Pens // TESCO
I've used and loved the slim Sharpie highighters in past years but I'm guessing these should last longer, right? It does kinda irritate me there isn't a blue one but I'm sure I'll get around that! I don't know about you but I couldn't be without a set of highlighters!
And of course, the good old trusty Bic pens that everyone loves! These are pretty self explanatory and very convenient!
12 Pens & Blank A4 Notebook // THE WORKS
Again, the pens kinda speak for themselves! I picked them up when I saw them at the till because I couldn't resist that price. It's always good to have plenty of back ups, especially when you do essay subjects!
Doing Art means we have to keep a notebook filled with various notes, drawings, clippings and all sorts so a completely blank, customisable one is ideal for me! I saw this on the shelf and it just inspired me to get creative. Also, what an absolute bargain?!
Watermelon Pencil // TESCO
My mum bought a few packs of these fruit rubber-topped pencils but as soon as I spied them, I wanted one of the watermelon ones for myself! The others in the packet are oranges and strawberries. It's just ridiculously cute and will take pride of place in my pencil case. Speaking of which . . .
Cat Pencil Case // TESCO
CAN WE JUST TAKE A MINUTE TO APPRECIATE. I reacted like an overexcited fangirl on her birthday when I spotted this in Tesco. It's a cat. With glasses. I wear glasses. I LOVE CATS. This is the star of the whole show. *standing ovation*