Weekly Reflect // #48

Hello everyone!

Truth be told, nothing remotely spectacular happened this week - I've been pretty unwell so wasn't able to do much. That said, what I love about my Weekly Reflect posts is that I can give ordinary moments a spotlight!

weekly reflect sharpies ground espresso bar humans tv show emmerdale coronation street the great british bake off weird dreams

This week . . .

 . . . started off with a trip to the shops on Sunday afternoon. Annoyingly I started feeling really ill as soon as we got there but I was quite happy that we got to try Ground for the first time after hearing really good things about the place. We also had a wee look round Pets at Home which never fails to cheer me up! Mia got herself a new toy which she's been obsessed with ever since!

Sunday night was finished off by watched the final episode of Humans. I thought the entire series was fantastic and the ending left me really excited for the next one! If you were a fan of the show, Liam's blog post on it is really worth a read - it's lengthy but really interesting!

weekly reflect ground espresso bar humans tv show emmerdale coronation street the great british bake off weird dreams

One thing you should know about me is that I love the soaps. A lot. This was a super intense week for Emmerdale viewers with both a wedding and a helicopter crash and there were a few deaths in the village as a result. I cried at it three nights in a row - the emotional attachment is real!

On the topic of soaps, my other favourite - Coronation Street - followed me on Twitter which was quite nice of them!

weekly reflect salad lunch ground espresso bar humans tv show emmerdale coronation street the great british bake off weird dreams

Another of my favourite shows returned to TV this week - The Great British Bake Off! I got a little bit over excited about it and made buns to celebrate the occasion. I wouldn't say it was disappointing but the first episode is never the best as no one has really gotten to know the contestants yet, y'know?

Then as per usual, the week was filled with bizarre dreams! Usually I can remember them in vivid detail but they've been really hazy this week so I can only remember three to share with you. 1) Jay Z was in my house. He sneezed and turned into a kitten just as I was about to tell him how wonderful I think he is. 2) I was in a theatre. A man tried to sell me sandwiches by telling me they were as soft as potato bread. 3) I was in hospital. I was having breakfast and one of my slices of toast had a heartbeat.

If you have any insight as to what any of those could possibly mean or if you had any interesting dreams this week, feel free to share in the comments! Catherine and I have been sharing dreams with each other this week and had the absolute best craic doing so - dreams are so strange?!

So that's what I got up to this week! Get involved in the comments below and share some things that made your week fun!

How was your week?

Thanks for reading,
